The Blog's Mission

Wikipedia defines a book review as: “a form of literary criticism in which a book is analyzed based on content, style, and merit. A book review can be a primary source opinion piece, summary review or scholarly review”. My mission is to provide the reader with my thoughts on the author’s work whether it’s good, bad, or ugly. I read all genres of books, so some of the reviews may be on hard to find books, or currently out of print. All of my reviews will also be available on I will write a comment section at the end of each review to provide the reader with some little known facts about the author, or the subject of the book. Every now and then, I’ve had an author email me concerning the reading and reviewing of their work. If an author wants to contact me, you can email me at I would be glad to read, review and comment on any nascent, or experienced writer’s books. If warranted, I like to add a little comedy to accent my reviews, so enjoy!
Thanks, Rick O.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


The author sent me a copy of his novel to review:

How can J.G. McGovern write a sci-fi novel so complex and yet be so easy to understand? Maybe because he avoided the scientific jargon (which I hate) and just told a story. Is he another one of those self-published authors that’s a storyteller? I think so. He is one of several Indie writers that I have reviewed recently that has impressed me. Oh sure, their prose can be improved upon, but is that so important? Or is the story the paramount goal of a writer? I say yes to the latter. At first, I thought that he had too many characters, but as the novel progressed, most of them became byproduct beings. I liked the author’s style, touching on various innuendos of the past without saying enough to take your eyes off the present, which is the year 2118. Can this sci-fi story challenge the best out there? No, I don’t think so, but it was a hell of a effort. Okay, what’s this novel about?

Andrew Vaughan (he was the third wealthiest man on Earth) wakes up about 90 years after he passed away. Wow, what a opening. Tella Urquhart (a principal shareholder of Eyelight Industries) tells Andrew that his memories were transferred to a cybernetic brain and placed into a android body. Why? Tella tells him that his name is now Anders Vorg, and he has been brought back to life to serve as CEO of Eyelight Industries. He is to defeat the Church of Sagacity, Eyelight’s nemesis, and if he does...he will live forever. Eyelight considers the Church of Sagacity a doomsday cult. The religion that Eyelight favors is the Church of the Adherents of Tetra. The author spends almost no time telling the reader about this church, which I think was one of the novel’s flaws. Anyway, Vorg takes the job and tries to find out how the church is taking Eyelight consumers away via Apotheosis (what is this?). He secures an employee, Oscar Mathieson (who wants to divorce his boss/wife but can’t afford it) to become a spy for the church. Since Oscar is in love with his assistant Cornelia (who is already a church member), it’s easy to infiltrate the church.

Meanwhile on Mars, Governor Miriam Heath, is experiencing a weird program in her Eyelight visor...a virtual reality program called Elysian Fields. She is able to go to places that delight her. She considers letting the people in her hovel share the program. She does...and it’s blissful. Where did this program come from? Did Eyelight give it to the Mars population to break the boredom of mining on a bleak planet? Or is there a unknown entity controlling what they see? If you have read my previous reviews, you know that I ask a lot of questions (even though I read the book and know the answers). I’m trying to tempt you to buy this novel and help an emerging talented author.

Before I continue, let me state what the other flaws are in this novel (all minor, but worth mentioning). I think the author should have written another 100 pages or so (that would bring the total to 336, no big deal for a novel) to answer some questions that I have, such as how does a person gain their social position? I know that there were Brains A, B, C, D and E, but how did someone attain that ranking? Why did some of the people wear Greek or Roman armor? What exactly is the drug, InTox? Again these are minor flaws, but I wanted to know...maybe they will be explained in the ensuing novels (don’t new writers always write at least a trilogy?)

So Oscar goes to the Church of Sagacity with Cornelia for a sermon. The speaker at the sermon calls Eyelight...Satan. A bomb goes off, and the speaker and the front two rows at the church are vaporized. On his way home, Oscar starts seeing a burning man that has his face. Only he can see this image (it will get worse as the novel continues). Oscar asks Cornelia what apotheosis is. On page 57 (I’m early into this story), Cornelia says, “It’s quite simple. As soon as God decides that one of his worshippers has reached a holy enough state, he sticks his hands down from the heavens, plucks up the worshipper, and carries him all the way to the New World. After that, we never see the person again. That is, not until we’ve reached apotheosis ourselves.” Do you think that she is telling the truth? Who bombed the church? I love questions, I should have been a lawyer.

In the meantime, Vorg has Eyelight make a new robotic body so his brain can temporarily go into it and then he can appear as the prophet Jaddar at the 5th annual Church of Sagacity meeting. He appears at the meeting as the prophet Jaddar and on page 74, says to the Sagacity believers, “I have been sent by God (after making a miraculous appearance from the clouds), I am Jaddar. And I have come to tell you that God has a name: He is Tetra! (the other religion)” Then he says, ”Does any man question that I have been sent by Almighty God?” Nobody questions him. Although he convinces many of the parishioners, the majority still believe in Sagacity. The church believes that Jaddar is a false prophet and challenges him to meet their prophet on November 20th for a showdown of truth. On the day of the showdown, Jaddar is resting in his chamber before the match, and a grey shape appears in his room and says, “I’m the prophetess, my name is Saturnina.” Wow, who will win this faceoff before a sold-out stadium?

This is where I stop my review and you buy a copy of this sci-fi thriller. I have many more questions, such as: Who is Saturnina? Is the burning man that Oscar sees real? What’s really happening on Mars? What truly is Elysian Fields? And when a Church of Sagacity member reaches apotheosis, does he actually go to heaven? I undoubtedly enjoyed this maiden novel by J.G. McGovern. There were some minor flaws that I mentioned, but this is a highly recommended novel.  

RATING: 4 out of 5 stars

Comment: On 8/15/2012, Forbes published a story about Indie writers (the self-published independent writers). Apparently the published writers don’t like the Indies. The article asks, “Why do mainstream authors dislike Indie publishing to the point where some even disagree with the coined term ‘Indie’? It comes down to worldview. Bestselling authors who are talented and hard working are inclined to believe that publishing is a meritocracy where the best work by the most diligent writers get represented, acquired, published, and sold.”  That might be, but I’ve read some really good Indie novels over the past five years.

Thirty-two time bestselling author, Sue Grafton (A is for Alibi ) says, “To me, it seems disrespectful...that a ‘wannabe’ assumes it’s all so easy she/he can put out a ‘published novel’ without bothering to read, study, or do research...Self publishing is a short cut and I don’t believe in short cuts when it comes to the arts. I compare self-publishing to a student managing to conquer Five Easy Pieces on the piano and then wondering if she/he's ready to be booked into Carnegie Hall. Sue brings up a good point, however many great novels would be unpublished if there wasn’t the Indie industry.

I can bring up many Indie books that were monster bestsellers and then later picked up by a major publisher, but I’ll only mention two. The first novel is Wool by Hugh Howey (see my review of 1/21/2016). This major bestseller was originally an Indie and turned into a major trilogy. Simon & Schuster now publishes Hugh Howey’s novels. The second novel is the award winning psychological thriller The Memory Box by Eva Lesko Natiello. I believe that she still self-publishes. Good for you girl!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


This novel should have passed muster (when originally submitted to the publisher) but it didn’t for whatever reason. I thought Harper Lee’s second novel (actually her first) was an acceptable stand-alone venture. Of course, if that would have happened, we wouldn’t have had the American classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, would we? Many people think that her new novel taints her classic. Gregory Peck’s (he played Atticus Finch in the Mockingbird movie) son, Stephen, believes his dad would have advised Lee against publishing the second novel. Some people don’t even give Harper Lee credit for writing Mockingbird...they think that her childhood friend,Truman Capote (author of 1958’s Breakfast at Tiffany's and 1966’s In Cold Blood) wrote the classic for her. I believe that to be hogwash. After her success with Mockingbird, she spent a lot of time researching for Capote’s bestseller, In Cold Blood. As a matter of fact, Capote was used as Harper Lee’s blueprint for her character Dill in her books. Capote was small, submissive, and bullied as was Dill. Capote, in real life, visited his aunt each summer and was the pal of the tomboy, Harper Lee. Why their friendship dissolved in the later years is unknown. I think that some of the reviews I’ve read are relatively too bearish on Lee’s second published novel (although her first submitted manuscript). What would the reviewers have written if Margaret Mitchell had published a prequel or sequel to her 1937 classic, Gone with the Wind? Anyway, enough said about that...but I will talk about some famous authors that wrote a classic and then stopped writing for various reasons in my comment section. 
The original Mockingbird novel occurred in 1935. Twenty years later (1955), Jean Louise Finch (now 26 years old, but I’ll still call her Scout...her original name) arrives in the fictitious town of Maycomb, Alabama to visit her now 72 year old father, Atticus Finch. He is still a lawyer but has serious arthritic problems in his shoulders and hands. She is picked up at the train station by Henry (Hank) Clinton, who is madly in love with Scout. Atticus has since moved into a different house with his sister, Alexandra (Scout’s aunt), who considers Hank White Trash and well beneath the Finches. Atticus has made Hank his partner in law. When Scout gets home, Atticus finds out that Calpurnia’s (remember her from the first book) grandson just ran over the town drunk and killed him. Now the boy is in serious trouble. Atticus, knowing that Calpurnia brought up Scout after Atticus’s wife died, says that he will defend him. Scout is proud to hear that. They all go to church the following Sunday, and the Preacher Stone says, “My text for today is taken from the twenty-first chapter of Isaiah, verse six, For thus hath the Lord said unto me, go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth.” I only brought that up so you know where the title of the novel came from. Later that day, Atticus and Hank go to a meeting at the courthouse. Scout finds a pamphlet in Atticus’ house that’s titled The Black Plague. It states that blacks are inferior and how to keep them in their place. What! Scout has always been color blind...does this mean her father and Hank are now racist? She hurries to the meeting and goes up to the colored balcony (where she was in the Mockingbird trial) and can’t believe what she hears. What’s going on with her father? Don’t think that I'm giving away the story, because I’m early into the novel...I’m just giving you a taste of what is to come.

By the way before I continue, I don’t remember that Scout’s brother, Jem, died. Did he die in Mockingbird? I really don’t remember that happening. It’s casually mentioned in this novel, but not elaborated on...very strange. Anyway getting back to this novel, I think the make it or break it part of the novel occurs in the twenty pages of chapter 14. Those pages were either brilliant or simpleminded, and I’m not sure which. It’s the chapter when Scout visits Uncle Jack (remember him?) to find out if her father is a racist. Uncle Jacks dissertation about the current black/white problem was so convoluted that I couldn’t make up my mind whether Harper Lee didn’t know what she was writing about, or whether it was written purposefully. I’m leaning towards that she knew what she was writing. Because after Uncle Jack momentarily pauses, she says, “What’s this got to do with the price of eggs in China, and you know exactly what I mean.” Then he continues on with his farcical speech, and Scout says, “Stop woolgathering and answer me!” All Scout wanted to know is why Atticus, Aunty, and Hank are now racist. She never gets a clear answer. Later, she says to herself, “Mad, mad, mad as a hatter. Well, that’s the way of all Finches. Difference between Uncle Jack and the rest of ‘em, though, is he knows he’s crazy.”

I did like the novel but struggled with what it’s intention was. Other than the familiar characters, there was little said or reminisced about that tied this novel to Mockingbird for me. And what was the plot? After the first few pages, the boy who ran over the drunk is never heard from again. What? The dialogue didn’t offer the reader enough of clues to understand what the problem was between the blacks and whites in the twenty years after Mockingbird. I’m not saying that I wasn’t entertained, but I expected a lot more than I got out of this novel. Maybe that’s why a lot of famous authors wrote their classic and then retired the pen. If you read To Kill a Mockingbird, you are sort of pushed into reading this novel, but I can only give it a ordinary rating. Not bad, but no cigar.

RATING: 3 out of 5 stars

Comment: So what authors wrote a great novel then never wrote another? I mentioned Margaret Mitchell in the first paragraph. She disliked her lack of privacy after writing Gone With the Wind. Unfortunately, she was hit and killed by a car twelve years after publishing her classic novel. In 1996, a misplaced novella of hers, Lost Laysen, was found and published.

The great Oscar Wilde wrote plenty of plays and poetry, but only one novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray (see my review of 8/08/2015) in 1890. His novel was met with so much criticism that he never wrote another.

Although J.D. Salinger later wrote some short stories and a novella, he never wrote another novel after, The Catcher in the Rye (see my review of 12/23/2012) in 1951. He turned into a well known recluse.

Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar was published in 1963. Why didn’t she write another? She committed suicide less that 30 days after publication. Ouch!

In 1847, Emily Bronte wrote the classic Wuthering Heights. Why didn’t she write another? Because she died a year later of tuberculosis after she got a bad cold attending her brother’s funeral. Wow!

Anna Sewell’s classic children’s story Black Beauty was written in 1877 while she was confined to a bed. She died five months after publication. Am I bringing tears to your eyes, or what?

Ross Lockridge, Jr’s 1948, Raintree County is considered one of the “Great American Novels”; however, he committed suicide three months after publication.

Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1958, but mother Russia made him turn it down. He never wrote another.

Okay, and finally we have Ralph Ellison’s classic racial novel Invisible Man published in 1952. A fire in his home destroyed the manuscript for his second novel. Oh well, let’s stop here, I don’t want you to get more depressed.

Truman Capote and Harper Lee in happier times:

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


It doesn’t get any better than the genre of narrative nonfiction. Award winning author David McCullough provides many cliffhanging chapters, while just telling the facts about the Wright brothers. That takes immense talent and now I know why one of my favorite writers, Erik Larson, said, “I stumbled across McCullough’s The Johnstown Flood at a bookstore. I loved it. It had suspense, drama, class conflict, dire goings-on-all the things the history books I’d read in high school and college lacked.” That’s what I’m talking about...nonfiction that reads like fiction. Erik Larson is the best-selling author of The Devil in the White City (see my review of 01/26/2012) and many other best-sellers. Okay, so how do we make history more exciting for our kids? I suggest that the U.S. Department of Education appoint a literary panel to find the books that that will tell history in a way that the students will enjoy and retain. The books are out there...find them! The lack of excitement in history books has gnawed at me for years. Jon Meacham’s American Lion about President Andrew Jackson’s life put me to sleep many nights. I’m not trying to be cruel, but Meacham’s writing, while accurate, was boring. I want history to be exciting and rousing. Believe’s possible, just read McCullough’s or Larson’s books.

Wilbur and Orville Wright were born the sons of a preacher man (wasn’t that a 1969 Dusty Springfield hit song?). The Bishop Wright and his wife Susan (She died early from tuberculosis at the age of 58) brought up three other children (Katharine, Reuchlin and Lorin), besides the soon to be famous brothers. All were remarkable human beings in their own right. The Bishop moved the family often, depending on where his preaching was needed, until he settled the family in Dayton, Ohio. Wilbur (a genius) and his brother Orville (a mechanical genius) were enterprising from the get go. They started a Dayton newspaper and then moved on to their own bicycle shop selling their own indigenous brand. In 1899, inspired by the works of European's Lilienthal and Mouillard, Wilbur wrote a letter to the Smithsonian Institution requesting all the information that they had on human flight. Then they asked the U.S. Weather Bureau in Washington, D.C - Was there a location in the U.S.A. that had constant winds of about 15 MPH? The answer…Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. They built a glider and brought it to Kitty Hawk. Once there, the brothers studied the flight of the local birds. The glider had flights as far as 400 feet at 30 MPH. Once November came, the brothers left the glider there and went back to Dayton and their bicycle business. 
The world’s leading Authority on aviation Octave Chanute comes a calling after the boys built their first experimental flyer the next year. The brothers continue their trials during 1901 and 1902. Then they go home to perfect their flyer and build an engine. Eureka! On 12/17/1903, they had four successful flights at Kitty Hawk...the longest flight goes a half mile at a height of 852 feet in 59 seconds. They did it. Later that day, while the flyer was on the ground, a gust of wind destroyed the flyer as it rolled over again and again. It will never be flown again. They go back to Dayton in order to build a new and improved flyer and engine. Instead of going back to Kitty Hawk, the brothers rent 84 acres of a pasture from the President of the Fourth National Bank in the Dayton area. They make 50 test flights on the field with no local interest (most of the population thought flying was for birds only). After many failures with the new flyer, Wilbur soars a 1,000 feet. Surprisingly, a rich beekeeper, Amos Ives Root, takes an interest in the Wright brothers and writes an inspiring story about them in his publication, Gleaning in Bee Culture. The Wright brothers contact the U.S. government to see if they have any interest in their flyer. They don’t (they just wasted a ton of money on someone else’s failure). But Britain’s War Department is interested! And so are the French. And so are the Germans. Wilbur contacts the U.S. again and they say that they still have no interest in their flyer.

On May 22nd 1906, a U.S. patent for the flyer’s design is issued to the Wright brothers. Wilbur goes to Paris to negotiate the sale of their flyer to the French. Orville ships the flyer to France. This is where I stop my review, so you can buy your own copy of this wonderful book and find out for yourself what happens next. It’s certainly a matter of history, but do you remember what happens next? Of course not, neither did I. It was a significant eye-opener for me. This kind of writing not only educates the reader, but makes the reader think that he is reading a fabrication. It doesn’t get any better than this. David McCullough has received the Pulitzer Prize for Truman and John Adams (see my guest reviewer, Deron O’s assessment of 12/05/2015). I guess that if I had to be critical of anything pertaining to this book, it would be the profuse amount of pages spent on the laudation of the Wright brothers near the end of the book. The author backs up his facts with 40 pages of source notes.

RATING: 5 out of 5 stars

Comment: There were a lot of sidebar stories in David McCullough’s book, such as, President Teddy Roosevelt wanting to be the Wright brothers first passenger. Luckily for him, Lt. Thomas Selfridge (a member of Alexander Graham Bell’s Aerial Experiment Association and probably a spy for Bell’s group) got the first ride as a passenger. During his flight with Orville, a piece of the prop broke off Orville’s flyer causing a horrific crash. Selfridge was killed. “His was the first fatality in the history of powered flight.” Orville was badly hurt but survived the accident.

Since his career was similar to the Wright brothers, I also enjoyed the pages about Glenn Curtiss. While comparable to the Wright brothers as a bicycle builder, he was also a racer and builder of motorcycles. He later built aeroplanes for the U.S. Army and Navy. His Curtiss Jenny biplane is featured on the first U.S. Airmail Stamp. He won the first international air meet in France (the Wright brothers didn’t register for the race).



Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Nth Day

The author sent me an autographed copy of his novel to review:

Wow, what a story! Can anybody write a darker story than this Jonathan Huls’ novel? This is the most arcane and harrowing novel that I’ve ever read. I am in no way disparaging the great works of the dark master, Cormac McCarthy, but it surely challenges his best depraved novels, such as Outer Dark (see my review of 03/01/2013). Huls even (like Cormac) rebuffs the general rules of English grammar (so do I somewhat). Are Huls’ paragraphs too long? Of course they are, but I think that that (I love using "that" back to back) is an editing problem that can be fixed in the future. What I fancy is that Mr. Huls is a storyteller. And what is the most important component of literature?...were you entertained? And yes, I was entertained. So to the reviewers that attacked this novel...lighten up and get real. Literature isn’t all about iambic pentameter, is it? No, did you really like those Shakespearean plays that were forced on you in high school? I didn’t. When I read and review a book or novel, the most important task an author must provide to me is "a good story", don’t put me to sleep...and I was wide awake during all 321 pages of this novel. A note to Mr. Huls: Your paragraphs should be no longer than twenty lines (that’s my sometimes rule for my reviews). But, I wouldn’t worry about that because you can hire an editor to take care of those problems, just write like the wicked storyteller you are. Anyway, what’s this enigmatic novel about?   

On the 8th day God was reborn (actually August 20th) in history’s suggested second immaculate conception via the couple of Dave and Julie. Although they were high school sweethearts, Dave figured she must have cheated on him. The baby was named Justin, and he was silent when he came out of the womb. Justin rarely cooed or showed any affection to his parents. He only needed to eat once a day and never cried. But, he had an unmistakable calming effect on anybody that was around him. As Justin reached one year old, his parents decided to throw a birthday party...they invited 50 people. Somehow, 100 people showed up. Julie told Nick that he would have to go to the store for more food, beer, and soda. But when they checked their supplies...It seemed like they had an abundance of food and drinks. How is that possible? Later that day, a baby girl named Cassie was dying after she ate some rat poison that Dave forgot he laid out on his property. As people gathered (including Cassie’s mom), Dave tried to give CPR to no avail. The girl was not responding. Her mom knew that she was dead until Justin crawls to Cassie and sits down next to her. Miraculously, Cassie starts to breath and is back to normal almost immediately. Did Dave’s CPR finally kick-in or did Justin perform a miracle? On the way to the hospital, Cassie’s mom freaks out. She says her daughter is dead and now is a zombie. As she attacks Cassie, she causes the ambulance to crash. Once they are in the hospital, mom tries to kill Cassie again. By the way, the next day, the majority of the world’s population changed eye color to emerald green. What?

The novel moves to our third main character, Theodore Silt, a homeless man, or is he a billionaire? He lives in the streets of Atlanta. He often goes to a soup kitchen where he meets a retired Beth, who works at the kitchen. They become friendly and semi-date at a diner over peach cobbler for about four years. One day, Beth follows Theodore many blocks until he arrives at the airport. She sees a man (Simon, his aide) hand him something as he boards a private jet. He takes off. What is going on? Simon tells Theodore that he has to meet a bogie (someone who is on his case) in NYC. He meets the bogie (reporter Susan Barr), and she doesn’t believe that this bum is the billionaire Silt. He convinces her that he is and gives her ten million dollars. By the way, I‘m not giving the story away...It’s only page 56. I must tell you that I hated Susan Barr.

Meanwhile the scene shifts to Cassie. Her mom is now a dope addict. Once again mom tries to kill Cassie but instead dies when she falls on a knife that Cassie had in her possession to protect herself. This causes Cassie to be orphaned and shuffled around because of the murder/accident of her mom. Did she kill her mom? She finally gets a foster home, but the foster father, Darrell, is a pedophile. After Darrell pounces on Cassie, she thwarts his attack and gets out through the front door. Where does she go?

The scene shifts to Justin, who, at two years old, changes his temperament after he gets mad and kicks over a board game that he was playing with his father. The pressure is on to punish the boy. Justin goes to his room and stares at the ceiling. Everything is getting dark. His father, urged on by the wife, goes to Justin’s room (he hears a siren). The wife comes in and says that the siren they are hearing is a signal that they should take cover. Is a tornado coming? Did the boy summon it? The boy walks out the front door nonplussed. He walks to a orchard and sits down and eats an apple. The parents, who were following him, panic and head back into the house. The tornado hits the house, and Justin’s parents are never seen again. Justin heads east (walking).

Now I’m going to stop my elucidation of Huls’ novel because the story gets big time juicy from here to the exciting end. What will happen when Justin meets a disgusting villain named Nick (I hated him) from Quicky Mart? What will happen when Cassie meets a now drunken Theodore Silt? What will happen when Justin turns money into blank pieces of paper? And finally, what will happen when Justin, Theodore, and Cassie unite? Wow, this was some page turner. This is the kind of novel that makes me wonder why a major publisher didn’t pick it up. If this novel had their editorial help...I believe this novel would be a bestseller. Did I like this novel? Are the Irish lucky?

RATING: 5 out of 5 stars

Comment: I do like to read novels involving God. I think that as one gets older, one starts to think more about the possibility of God existing. If not, it’s going to be a long sleep.

I sometimes think that I want to read John Milton’s epic poem, Paradise Lost . But then I remember that I hate poetry, and this poem was originally ten books and 10,000 lines of verse when published in 1667. Don’t I already know the story of Eve and Adam and the fall of the angle Satan (by the way, I recently watched a hockey game and one of the player’s name was Satan). So... as many times that I have had that book in my hands, I have always returned it to the shelf of the book store.

Even the great astronomer, Carl Sagan touched on the subject in his 1995 book, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Did you ever notice that on the TV show Star Trek that an Ensign or lower ranked person wearing a redshirt got killed in every episode? In that show... Kirk, Spock, Bones, Chekov and Scotty normally wore yellow or blue shirts (although I remember an occasional show where one of them wore red). This is the hypothesis of John Scalzi’s Hugo and Locust award winning novel. Suppose that same thing was happening in real life to a starship named Intrepid (an Enterprise look-alike). How could a redshirt always get killed on an away mission while the five main officers never suffered a death? Oh, they might get hurt badly, but they soon miraculously recover. What could cause this phenomenon? Scalzi came up with a heretofore somewhat brilliant maiden plot, but I don’t think that this novel was his best. And I’m a big fan, having read at least six of his novels. Redshirts became a little confusing at times, especially when the five lab Ensigns decided on how they would solve the redshirt death problem. It was still an enjoyable perusal (I shudder when a reviewer enjoyable read). Anyway, let’s talk about the characters and the plot.
We are far into the future and aboard the starship Intrepid (isn’t that a Vietnam era carrier?) led by the officers: Captain Lucius Abernathy, Science Officer Commander Q’eeng, Chief Engineer Paul West, Medical Chief Hartnell and Astrogator Lt. Kerensky (the one that always gets hurt). Enter our protagonist, Ensign Andrew Dahl (I’ll call him A.D. for the rest of the review). He is assigned to the Intrepid’s science lab with Hester, Finn, Hanson and Duvall. Sounds like too many characters, right? But somehow Scalzi makes it work. On A.D.’s first assignment on an away mission, the ship encounters a plague on the planet Merovia. A landing team led by Lt. Kerensky is trying to find a vaccine for the plague when they are infected. A redshirt is liquefied (of course) and Lt. Kerensky is dying. Commander Q’eeng gives A.D. the job to find a cure for Lt. Kerensky (the hell with the rest of the planet). A.D. is given six hours to find a cure. What? Q’eeng tells A.D. to put the info in this mysterious box that the Universal Union has acquired from an extinct race of warrior engineers. After six hours, A.D. brings the results to the bridge (it’s just gibberish). But the science officer finds the  answer and Lt. Kerensky is cured. What? 

After some more close calls for the officers and subsequent deaths of the redshirts on away missions, A.D. runs into a redshirt (in self-hiding) named Jenkins. He says that he has done his research, and there is only one starship that has the same statistical patterns for away missions as this ship. Duvall says, “Who are they?”. On page 103, Jenkins says, “They don’t exist and neither does this. This is the starship Enterprise. It’s fictional. It was on a science fictional drama series. And so are we.” Wow, tell me about it. Jenkins says, “It’s fictional, You’re real. But a fictional television show intrudes on our reality and warps it.” Jenkins further says, “You’re all extras, but you’re glorified extras. Your average extra exists just to get killed off, so he or she doesn’t have a backstory. But each of you do.” A.D. says, “If this is a television show, then it was made by people. Whatever and however they’re doing this to us, they are just like us. And that means we can stop them. We just have to figure out how. You have to figure it out, Jenkins.” On page 140, Jenkins sends a note to A.D. and the lab people, “It says he thinks he’s come up with something that might work, he wants to talk to us about it. All of us.”

This is where I stop my review and you buy your own recommended copy of this novel. I did like this’s just that I’ve read better from this writer. Okay, I know that it won all the awards, but I still have my opinion that many authors respect. Normally Scalzi’s novels are easy to understand (I don’t need or want the scientific facts to enjoy a sci-fi novel), but this novel was a tad fuzzy on the remedying of the resolution. I think this novel would have been better-off if the author would have thought the ending through for a better resolve. I guess I didn’t buy into the fact that a writer of a TV series of the past (The Chronicles of the Intrepid) could control or influence the life and death of characters that are in the far future.  

RATING: 4 out of 5 stars

Comment: The idea that you may die in combat is in the head of anybody that has been in any of the services of the military. I was a U.S. Marine from 1963-1967 and did think lightly about it, but when you are 18 years old and cocky, one thinks that that (I love using those words back to back) is unlikely. I’m sure many dead marines thought the same thing. Anyway, as I said, I did like the novel including the three semi strange codas at the novel’s end.

Incidentally, The Star Trek TV series debuted on NBC in 1966 and ran for three seasons (79 episodes). I don’t know if you saw it, but SNL did a parody of the show, The Last Voyage of the Starship Enterprise starring John Belushi as Kirk; Chevy Chase as Spock and Dan Aykroyd as McCoy. It was hilarious!

Oh no! Two of the stars of Star Trek are wearing red!

Monday, January 25, 2016


The author sent me a copy of her novel to read and review:

Is Aurora Fox the female equivalent of Dirty Harry? Maybe. Okay, I know Harry was constantly under pressure from his superiors for his illegal police actions and Aurora isn’t, but who cares? Not all novels have to be sensible or clear-sighted, do they? Do you think Marvel Comic characters, such as Hulk, Spider-Man, Iron Man, or Wolverine are realistic? Of course not. Didn’t Mickey Spillane’s hero, Mike Hammer (see my review of I, the Jury on 9/18/2013) kill without any police interference? Doesn’t this novel (the way it is written) remind you a little bit of the movie Dick Tracy? So, what I’m trying to say is just enjoy the story. Yes, the writing is somewhat choppy (and with editing problems) but so what...just be entertained. Not all books are vying for the Pulitzer Prize. I think the author has some crumbs on her plate but to her credit didn’t write a rubber stamped novel. I don’t know if the author intended her novel to be of my persuasion or not, but this is how I see it, period. Enough already! What’s the story about?   

Noorilhuda has written a psychological thriller that some of the other reviewers don’t seem to like. Instead they are concerned that Detective Aurora didn’t go to counselling after shooting one of the kidnappers, or the author’s prose is bad, or her characters are not realistic. Does anybody know what’s really in the mind of a pedophile or serial killer? Whatever. Anyway the novel is cleverly broken down into four days...and a few days later. And what about the characters? We have Maxwell Caine, a wacko who is both the father and son, Detective Aurora Fox who is every bit as nasty as Dirty Harry and just as focused, DA John Smith who has severe hangups, and Daniel Logan’s parents, Josh and Helena, who have a very severe love-hatred relationship (heavy on the hate). I got carried away again and forgot to tell you what the story is about. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I thought the novel wasn’t treated fairly by a some of the reviewers. Okay, once again, what’s the story about?

Daniel Logan has been kidnapped and missing for over a week. Puppet maker, sixty-seven year old Maxwell Caine, tells Detective Aurora Fox that he knows who the kidnappers are. Based on his information, she burst into the home of Will Rogers and has a shootout with a Mr. Gonzalez (aka Charlie Coco) and Juno Babosa (a local waiter at a Chinese restaurant). Gonzalez is shot dead, Detective Fox is wounded. The boy, Daniel Logan (ten years old), has been sexually abused. It turns out that Gonzalez worked for Helena Logan (Daniel’s mom) and had an affair with her (so did most of the characters in this novel). The main perpetrator of the kidnapping is still at large...he who had the boy locked up and blindfolded while he did his thing with Daniel. Has this pedophile done this before? Detective Fox thinks so. The mysterious Maxwell Caine also thinks so (does he have a multiple personality disorder, or is he just a crazy person?). The story gets even more discombobulated.

Josh and Helena have a hateful argument over what happened to their son Daniel. Later, a car is pulled out of a canal’s Helena. She is still alive and rushed to a hospital, Josh is picked up by the police and questioned about his wife’s accident. The boy is temporarily turned over to friends of the Logans, DA John Smith and his wife. The DA wants the case closed quickly (why?) and objects to Detective Fox and Maxwell Caine (why is he involved?) pursuing the case. Detective Fox says to the DA that she thinks the suspect is still seeking Daniel because of the letters the pedophile has sent to her. Is he sending a message that he still wants Daniel? The DA on page 135 says, “The message being?” Detective Fox says, “That it isn’t over. That the boy is precious to them, him, whoever he is...and that the pedophile, the one who abused him, has old-fashioned taste.”

This is where I’m going to stop the review so you can buy your own copy of this brainteaser. I liked Noorilhuda’s novel and dismissed most of the flaws, but the only one that bothered me was in the chapter named Friday. Clearly Josh Logan was talking with Maxwell Caine, yet the character quoted was Ethan Maxwell (I know that they are the same person but throughout the book the two people were separated in their individual dialogues). But with all the twists and turns in this novel, maybe I'm getting confused (not!)...go figure. This has to be the first novel that I ever read where every character had some sort of emotional disorder or schizophrenia. Do I recommend this novel? Does a bear poop in the woods?

RATING: 3 out of 5 stars

Comment: I’m sure that my review will be heavily attacked on Amazon because I recommended the novel for what it was...a good story. Not every book has to be on the Bestseller List, does it? There were some items to criticize in Noorilhuda’s novel which I brought up, but overall I thought she was a good storyteller. And that is my main concern when reading and reviewing a novel. The prose and edit parts take a backseat to good old storytelling.

I’m only bringing this up because when I gave A Song of Ice and Fire author George R.R. Martin’s last review five stars for A Dance with Dragons (see my review of 8/01/2011) and loved it...well the Amazon reviewers destroyed my review because they generally hated the novel. Even the idiots that gave one liner reviews like, “Great read” chimed in. Oh well.

By the way, the dictionary defines Catharsis as the process of releasing strong or repressed emotions. Touche Noorilhuda!