The Blog's Mission

Wikipedia defines a book review as: “a form of literary criticism in which a book is analyzed based on content, style, and merit. A book review can be a primary source opinion piece, summary review or scholarly review”. My mission is to provide the reader with my thoughts on the author’s work whether it’s good, bad, or ugly. I read all genres of books, so some of the reviews may be on hard to find books, or currently out of print. All of my reviews will also be available on I will write a comment section at the end of each review to provide the reader with some little known facts about the author, or the subject of the book. Every now and then, I’ve had an author email me concerning the reading and reviewing of their work. If an author wants to contact me, you can email me at I would be glad to read, review and comment on any nascent, or experienced writer’s books. If warranted, I like to add a little comedy to accent my reviews, so enjoy!
Thanks, Rick O.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Is this 1902 story by Owen Wister the blueprint cowboy (the author designates them as cow-boys or cow-punchers) novel for thousands of novels and movies yet to come? Yes indeed! It opened the gates for the great Zane Grey (see my 5/13/2015 review of Riders of the Purple Sage) and later for the prolific western writer Louis L’Amour (Hondo:A Novel). This is the first full length western novel that wasn’t a pulp/dime novel. It features the good guy (the Virginian), the bad guy (Trampas), the lovely schoolmarm (Miss Molly Stark Wood), and the honest rancher (Judge Henry) of the Sunk Creek Ranch in Medicine Bow, Wyoming. And some of the great descriptive writing with the local colloquial dialect of the times. Want some example words? How about hawss (horse), seh (sir), hyeh (here), mawnin (morning), or oveh yondeh (over yonder). Wister’s novel opened the doors for many great writers besides the few that I mentioned above. We (the readers) wouldn’t have Walter Van Tilburg Clark’s 1940 novel,The Ox-Bow Incident (see my review of 11/26/2012), or Jack Schaefer’s 1949 novel, Shane, or in more modern times, Cormac McCarthy’s Border Trilogy. What canned food were the cowboys eating on the trail? How about sardines, potted chicken, tomatoes and deviled ham (they are still favorites). I’m only bringing up this information because I thought that the secondary effect of reading this novel was a good ole history lesson. Okay, let me tell you a little bit of the story.

An unnamed man, who has traveled from the northeast, gets off the train in Medicine Bow, Wyoming. He has been hired by ranch owner, Judge Henry of The Sunk Creek Ranch (for what position is never known), but he does become the narrator of the story. A tall handsome cowboy meets him at the train tracks and tells the tenderfoot (that’s the most name our narrator will get) that it is 263 miles to the ranch; therefore, they will have to stay overnight in the crowded town before heading to the ranch in the morning. The tall handsome cowboy is ranch hand...the Virginian (no other name is ever given). After the Virginian finds shared beds for them, he sits down at a card dealer’s table and gambles with five or six others. One of the cowboys, Trampas, says to the Virginian as he sits down, “No place for amatures.” (that is how the author spelled it) The Virginian doesn’t say anything. Trampas raises the bet...another gambler raises the bet again...the next man threw his cards down... while the Virginian looked at his cards. Since the Virginian didn’t speak right away, Trampas spoke. “Your bet, you son-of-a---. The Virginian’s pistol came out, and his hand lay on the table, holding it unaimed. And with a voice as gentle as ever, the voice that sounded almost like a caress, but drawling a very little more than usual, so that there was almost a space between each word, he issued his orders to the man Trampas:- When you call me that, smile!” After a lot of quiet tension…Trampas had made his choice. “And that choice was not to draw his steel.” The descriptive writing throughout this novel is very colloquial with the spelling of the times. It was interesting but made you read some lines over and over again until you were sure you got the correct meaning.

The dislike between the Virginian and Trampas will continue throughout the novel culminating in a final showdown. Anyway, the Virginian and the tenderfoot start the long ride back to the ranch on the horses, Buck and Muggins. Along the way, they run into a Mr. Taylor who tells them that Bear Creek is building a schoolhouse and they hired a teacher from Vermont. He says that it’s a Miss Molly Stark Wood. Taylor doesn’t know if she is young or old. Molly will become the Virginian’s heartthrob. The Virginian and the tenderfoot finally get to the Judge’s ranch. “Judge Henry’s ranch was notable for several luxuries.” He had milk, butter, eggs and chickens. ”In those days his brother ranchmen had thousands of cattle very often, but not a drop of milk, save the condensed variety.” At the ranch, the reader is entertained with many tales from the cowboys with monikers such as: Honey Wiggin, Nebrasky, Dollar Bill and Chalkeye. Then there is the crazy hen, Em’ly, who will sit on anything that looks like an egg; for instance, potatoes, onions, soap, peaches and once on new born puppies! By the way, I’m only on page 68 of the novel. Whether the cowboys are in the bunkhouse, on the trail, or relaxing at a cook-out, the author comes up with captivating sidebar stories among the men in that western dialect. Somewhere in the novel the Virginian suspects that his friend Steve is rustling cattle. Will he get caught? How will the honest Virginian react? Will the Virginian get promoted to ranch foreman? Will the Virginian get his girl? There is so much to tell you about this exceptional novel of 389 pages that I must stop here before I reveal all the juicy action still to come. This was a remarkable and somewhat sad story. The novel also has a long introduction by John G. Cawelti, Endnotes by Stefanie Sobelle and pages of comments and questions.

Owen Wister dedicated this book to his friend, Theodore Roosevelt, President of The United States of America and fellow Harvard University student. To Wister, Roosevelt embodied the traits of both East and West-”socialite and cowboy.” “The novel is set in post-Civil War America and is essentially a novel of a friendship between North and South, symbolized by the nameless narrator and the nameless Virginian. Each must leave the old, fractured East and establish himself in the new, wild-yet optimistic-West: a place for moral regeneration.” I highly recommend this delightful forerunner of all the western/cowboy novels that have been written in the past and present.

RATING: 5 out of 5 stars

Comment: The first TV western of 90 minutes was The Virginian, starring James Drury as the Virginian (he still has no name) and Doug McClure as his top hand, Trampas. Have you noticed that Trampas is a friend on TV and an enemy in the novel. The other similarities are the TV show’s ranch owner Judge Garth (played by Lee J. Cobb) and Judge Henry in the novel. One of the horses from the novel, Buck, is Doug McClure’s horse in TV series. Otherwise the TV show is only in the vicinity of the novel (loosely connected). The show played for nine seasons (249 episodes) from 1962 to 1971 and is in third place for long running western TV shows. So, who is first and second? In first place is Gunsmoke, which ran for twenty years (635 episodes) and in second place is Bonanza, which ran for fourteen years (430 episodes). I remember watching those shows every Sunday when I was much younger. Cowboy shows were prominent during the 1950's through the 1970's (and later). They were so much better than the current lame sitcoms.

From the novel:

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


This is a guest review from my twelve year old grandson, Kai O:

The Book of Three is an ever changing story. It starts out with a young boy, Taran, who lives in Caer Dallben. The book picks up after Taran finishes an argument with Coll (Taran’s master) about if Taran should learn more about smithing or swordfighting. Then a giant swarm of bees starts terrorizing all the animals in Caer Dallben. One of those animals is Hen Wen, an oracular pig. Hen Wen is important, especially right now.  This is because a dangerous warlord, the Horned King, was recently recruited by Arawn, a powerful and evil ruler of Prydain.

Hen Wen knows a lot about the Horned King because she (the pig) is an oracle. Because of the bees, Hen Wen is terrified and runs into the woods with Taran chasing after her. After losing Hen Wen deep into the woods, Taran encounters the Horned King and his war band. Taran is nearly caught, but escapes running blindly through the woods.

Soon...Taran meets the good and powerful ruler, Prince Gwydion. Taran finds out that Gwydion is also looking for Hen Wen (for her knowledge) and tells the Prince that Hen Wen is hopelessly lost. This forces Prince Gwydion to take Taran with him on his quest because Taran is also hopelessly lost. This is where you will have to read (for yourself) the rest of the book because the story starts to pick up from here.

I thought that Lloyd Alexander is a very talented author because he constantly changes the main points of his story, while not losing my interest. Over the course of the story, the author introduced many new characters, but even with all the new characters, he makes the story work. I would recommend this novel to YA readers eleven and up.

RATING: 5 out of 5 stars

Comment: I thought Kai’s last paragraph was very perceptive for a twelve year old. Good job! How will Kai write his reviews after he learns the unique rules of of Cormac McCarthy? I can’t wait!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


The author sent me his novel to review:

For some reason Scott Bell’s Yeager’s Law reminded me of the days long ago when I bought my thrillers and mysteries at the local drugstore. Do you remember the nice selection those stores had? (if you are old enough to remember). You didn’t buy your paperbacks at a went to the drugstore. Even the prose Scott Bell uses reminds me 1950/1960 era. Tough talk, short, and to the point, kinda like Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer character. Scott’s character, Abel Yeager, even has Hammer’s I, the Jury (see my review of 9/18/2013) attitude when when it comes meting out justice. I generally liked the novel, but it had a few stumbling blocks. I thought that the action moved way too fast for me to develop any rapport with the good guys or, for that matter, hate for the bad guys. It seems to me that a lot of authors think the reader is going to get bored quickly and put the book down. That’s not true. Give the reader something to hang their hat on before barreling down the tracks. I initially thought that the prose was too crude, but as I read the novel, I realized that it was effective for this story. Prose is always a big deal with me since I’m a fan of the seemingly extinct descriptive writers. Anyway, I thought Scott Bell did a yeoman’s job on this novel, but the plot was a tad too busy for my taste.

Abel Yeager is an almost broke, recently divorced ex-Marine, who is now a long hauling truck owner/driver. He is also mentally troubled about a accident he had with his rig on black ice. A pregnant woman slid in front of his rig one night and he killed them both. Not his fault, but he was sued and now his trucking insurance premiums have skyrocketed. The story starts off with our protagonist, Abel Yeager, driving down Highway 67 in NE Arkansas when he notices a black Lexus possibly following him. Abel pulls off the highway into a rest area for a visit to the john. When he comes out of the john, he sees the black Lexus parked with three Hispanics trying to steal his rig. Abel easily disables the three, but a fourth man (we find out later that he is Humberto Cruz, father of the girl who died in Abel’s black ice accident) pulls a pistol on him. Before Cruz can shoot Abel, a woman bursts out of the restroom area and points a gun at Cruz and yells “freeze”. I told you that this novel was busy, I’m only on page ten! The beautiful redhead says to Cruz, “Drop the gun!” So far, two classic police orders from a lady (who is not a cop) to the surprised Mr. Cruz. Cruz backs down and drives his beaten up crew down the highway and out of danger. But Yeager thinks to himself, “That means the hijackers were ahead of him, somewhere on the road. And they were pissed."

Abel thanks the lady and finds out that she is Charlotte (Charlie) Buchanan, a book dealer from Austin, Texas. Meanwhile, “An eighteen-wheeler with a PetSmart trailer rolled into the rest area and came to a stop at the far end of the parking lot.” Did the driver of that truck plant a tracking devise on Abel’s truck? Charlie tells Abel that she owns a bookstore and is on her way to St.Louis to to buy a bulk load of mass market remainder books. As she leaves, they exchange business cards. The State troopers arrive and tell Abel, “Well, maybe we can pull something from the video.” “What video?” “The state installed security systems at these rest stops a couple of years ago.” Maybe Abel will find out who this hijacker is. When Charlie gets to St. Louis (by the way, her ex-husband, Dr. Steven Buchanan recommended that she go there...why?) “Charlie Buchanan had known Dareas Thompson for less than twenty minutes, and she already loathed him. He was fat enough to use a freight scale to weigh himself, and his body odor reminded her of rancid cheese.” Big time...Yuck! She buys some pallets of books, but doesn’t like his shipping fees, so since she exchanged business cards with Abel...she calls him and he eagerly agrees to pick the pallets up and deliver them to her store in Texas.

I’ve only reported the action from the first 26 pages and have to stop here... before I reveal the rest of the story that’s racing down the tracks of this novel. SLOW DOWN. That’s the advice that I want to leave with the author. It was an astounding trip, but heed my advice. You have an obvious flair for writing, but I think your talent is still in the nippy stage. However, I do recommend this novel to all the readers that love non-stop action. The novel just wasn't my cup of tea. How many metaphors and idioms did I use in this review?

RATING: 3 out of 5 stars

Comment: My favorite recurring protagonist is Clive Cussler’s Dirk Pitt. Here is a man of adventure who loves the sea, cars and cockamamie exploits. I haven’t read a Dirk Pitt novel in quite awhile, but here are a few of my favorites that I’ve read:

Raise the Titanic (1976): Wikipedia says, “It tells the story of efforts to bring the remains of the ill-fated ocean liner RMS Titanic to the surface of the Atlantic Ocean in order to recover a stockpile of an exotic mineral that was being carried aboard.”

Deep Six (1984): Wikipedia says, "When a mysterious and extremely deadly poison spreads through the waters off the coast of Alaska killing everything it comes in contact with...Dirk Pitt and his NUMA team are dispatched in an attempt to find the source of the poison.”

Cyclops (1986): Wikipedia says, “A wealthy American financier disappears on a treasure hunt in an antique blimp-from Cuban waters, the blimp drifts toward Florida with a crew of dead men-Soviet cosmonauts.”

If you haven’t read a Dirk Pitt novel, you are missing out on a fun experience.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


The author sent me a copy of his novel to review:

Greg Spry’s maiden attempt at a space opera went better than I expected. I thought the first 75-100 pages were a tad slow, but as the story developed, those pages were needed to somewhat blossom the characters. Too often authors have the urge to jump into the action without augmenting the dramatis personae of the novel. This results in zero empathy for anyone in the novel. I’m not saying that the author didn’t jump right into the action, but somehow he did it while still maturing the main characters, if that makes any sense to you. Good job, Greg! I also liked the fact that the space jargon did not put the reader to sleep. The reader is given enough understanding of the technology of the year 2247 without blowing out the circuits of his/her brain. Does he need to improve his prose? Of course. But this being his debut novel leaves the author plenty of time to improve on his descriptive writing, which was a little weak in this novel. Another minor problem with the novel was the racial discrimination that our heroine, Brooke Davis, was supposed to have experienced in school because she was half Japanese and half Caucasian. I’m sure that 231 years from now all discrimination problems would be solved by interracial marriage. By then, I think the average human being will be tan in color with a hint of Asian eyes. Say goodbye to discrimination except for the aliens that eventually appear in this novel (Area 51 look-a-likes). Okay, what’s this novel about?

It’s the year 2247 and we meet our heroine, Brooke Davis, a U.N. aerospace defense pilot. She is assigned to the Jovian system and lives on one of Jupiter’s moons, Callisto. It’s a world of robots (bots) that do numerous chores for the human race, including flipping pancakes. Lt. Brooke, while on a U.N. spacecraft carrier, gets a call to action. Someone (most likely the pesky Separatists) are attacking a water distillation plant on the moon Europa. The Separatist have grievances with the U.N. government and are causing trouble throughout the universe. Do they want to secede from the U.N.? Because they are not included in the U.N.’s advanced communications system among many other reasons? Anyway, Lt. Davis and another pilot take off from the carrier in their Starthroat jets to help the people of Europa. When Lt. Davis and her partner land on the moon, she is stunned, because parked by the water plant are two U.N. Starthroats and one Separatist Tri-fighter. What’s going on? When she gains entrance into the plant, she finds all 214 workers are killed. She gets into a gun battle with the three intruders and remembers two of them as U.N. turncoats, who have been missing for some time. The third is tall and unfamiliar. Is he an alien? The three have set a bomb to go off and Lt. Davis barely escapes before it blows. The result...50,000 dead on Europa. The Chinese Separatist claim responsibility, but who was that tall (man?) dressed in white?

Meanwhile in Chicago, an explosion goes off at the Revitalization Center and kills mostly children in an assassination attempt on the U.N. Secretary-General Danuwa Ajunwa, who was giving a speech. Lt. Davis’s twin sister, Marie, was covering the event as a local reporter. Her report on the assassination attempt is met with merit in the local area. She wants to be assigned to the Advanced Propulsion Research Center where the FTL (faster than light) experiments are going on. Simultaneously, Lt. Davis (temporarily relieved of active duty) is sent home by General Douglas after her conflict on Europa. Lt. Davis, who hasn’t seen her sister in six years, visits her twin sister and her daughter, Maya, in Chicago. Marie gets her way and acquires the assignment to the Dryden Propulsion Center for The FTL conference (and she has a ticket for Lt. Davis). Marie interviews Prof. Kevin Sommerfield, the main man in the project, but he seems to be infatuated with her sister in the background. The U.N. Security Council President, Ed Collins, notices Lt. Davis in the background and decides to interview her. She tells him that she wants to fly the maiden voyage of the FTL ship. She is accepted into the program. Marie gets a bigger job for The Tribune. Things are looking good for the twins. While Lt. Davis was in training, a four-star general suspends training and says, “It is with great regret that I announce the U.N.’s decision to suspend this candidacy program indefinitely.” “This may be hard to believe,” the general said, “but a more pressing matter has come up, one that requires every able pilot to return to active duty.” What happened now?

Brooke Davis, now a captain, heads to Saturn. The moon Titan is under attack. The attack was on the colony’s hydrocarbon refinery. What’s going on? Captain Davis finds some surviving children and asks what happened, “Tall, skinny creatures in white space suits...They fired these powerful beams that dissolved people. The adults got us into suits. They told us to hide and tried to fight, but none of them survived.” After many ensuing inexplicable events happen, Captain Davis is confused as to what is occurring. She asks Ed Collins of the U.N., “In the Artemis reactor hold, I met a supposed exobeing who looked more or less human. He - I think it was a he - spoke to me in English. He was with two Defense pilots who I served with before they transferred out to Base HOPE, and when I confronted them, they tried to kill me.” “Sir, how can our people be working with the same extrasolar invaders who are attacking us? And why did the U.N. blow up the water plant and frame the separatists for the death of fifty thousand people?” Wow, what a question. What is going the U.N. working with the aliens? Is Captain Davis correct? The second half of this avant-garde novel is exceptional. The last 200 pages are hard to foresee. Super exciting ending. Other than the flaws that I mentioned in the first paragraph, this was a excellent maiden novel by Greg Spry. Do I recommend this novel? Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back?

RATING: 4 out of 5 stars

Comment: Space operas are defined by being played-out mainly in outer space. So what are my favorites? I’m glad you asked. I checked out for their favorite space operas and I picked out a few favorites of mine:

Dune (1965) by Frank Herbert, “Set on the desert planet Arrakis, Dune is the story of the boy Paul Atreides, who would become the mysterious man known as Muad ‘ Dib.”

Ender’s Game (1985) by Orson Scott Card, “Criticized for its violence (and possibly popular because of it), Ender’s Game show children on a military space station, training for the war against the evil alien Buggers.”

Rendezvous with Rama (1973) by Arthur C. Clarke, “An uncontested sci-fi-classic, Rendezvous with Rama is also one of Clarke’s best novels, winning the Campbell, Hugo, Jupiter and Nebula Awards.”

Wow, I read all three...As Tony the Tiger would say, “They’re Gr-eatt!”

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Sometimes I wonder why I'm wasting my time reading contemporary novelists when I can read classic authors such as Daphne Du Maurier (1907-1989) who wrote this 1936 romantic suspense novel. This novel oozes with rich descriptive and apprehensive writing. If you are not familiar with Daphne then you haven’t read or seen the movie Rebecca. What about the movie The Birds? All three were directed by Alfred Hitchcock. This novel sets the tone on page one, “It was a cold grey day in late November. The weather had changed overnight, when a backing wind brought a granite sky and a mizzling rain with it, and although it was now only a little after two o’clock in the afternoon the pallour of a winter evening seemed to have closed upon the hills, cloaking them to mist. It would be dark by four. The air was clammy cold, and for all the tightly closed windows it penetrated the interior of the coach.” Now tell me...if you were riding inside that coach in Cornwall, England circa 1820, wouldn’t you feel chilled? That’s what I’m talking about; this lady can write. I know that I’ve said this many times, but once again...why can’t we produce novels of this enormity? Okay, so what is this mysterious, well written novel about?

Mary Yellan (23 years old) has lost her mother. She promised her mother that she would sell the farm and go to live with her Aunt Patience in Bodmin. Nobody has seen Patience since she married ten years ago. The last time they saw her she was pretty and giddy. As Mary took a coach to the Jamaica Inn where her aunt and Uncle Joss Merlyn lived, the coach driver warned her that no one stopped there anymore. He said, “they’re afraid.” She arrives on a damp and rainy night, only to find her aunt a poor tattered creature afraid of her husband. Her Uncle Joss is almost seven feet tall built on a gorilla frame. He tells her that he is the landlord of the Jamaica Inn and she is now his barmaid. Obviously, her aunt is terrified of him. Apparently, Joss bought the Inn from Squire Bassat under false pretenses. The inn has no guests and has a locked room down the upstairs passageway. What’s in that room? Uncle Joss leaves for a week and Mary walks among the moors and tors. Suddenly, Joss returns and declares the inn’s bar is open. The scum of the moors arrived. “They were dirty for the most part, ragged, ill kept, with matted hair and broken nails; tramps, vagrants, poachers, thieves, cattle stealers, and gypsies."

Mary is disgusted with what she sees. Uncle Joss tells her, “Keep your mouth shut and I’ll treat you like a lamb.” After she goes to her room, five wagons roll in and things are unloaded and dragged into the locked room down the passageway. Mary realizes that it’s probably smuggling or robbery on a grand scale. Mary heard a noise upstairs...was there a stranger listening the whole night? Was it Joss’s boss? Or was it Joss’s brother Jem? Mary heard one of the men in the bar protest, and it seemed to her that he was being hanged in the rafters. What kind of place is this? During time away from Joss, Mary takes long walks into the moors. She meets Joss’s brother, Jem, who says that he is a horse thief. What? Meanwhile the wagons come to the inn again, this time to pick up the cargo. After they leave, Squire Bassat arrives at the inn trying to catch them in the act. With Joss absent, the Squire breaks down the locked door and finds nothing. He asks Mary if she knows anything. She says no fearing retribution to her aunt from Joss. Joss comes back and is furious with the squire’s actions. He leaves on foot, Mary follows, but can’t keep up with his gait and gets lost in the rainy night. 

A stranger in a coach finds her. He is the albino vicar from Altarnun, Francis Davey. Mary tells him her story and he takes her to his home in Altarnum to feed her and dry her off. The vicar takes her back to the inn. Uncle Joss stays drunk for five days. Mary takes another long walk and runs into Jem again. He wants to take her to Launceston on Christmas Eve. She agrees. Is Mary falling in love with Jem? In town, they kiss, but Mary will not stay in town with him. He says that he will get the buggy and take her home. He doesn’t come back. Now she is trapped in town in the pouring rain eleven miles from the Jamaica Inn. She tries to find Jem to no avail. Maybe he was arrested trying to sell the pony he stole from the Squire back to Mrs. Bassat. Are you having fun yet? As Mary attempts the eleven mile walk in the rain to the inn, the vicar’s coach comes by and he gives her a lift. Mary puts on the vicar’s heavy rug and takes off her clothes to dry. He questions her on the journey, but gets off in his town and instructs his driver to take her to the Jamaica Inn. When the coach is three miles from the inn, all hell breaks loose. Joss’s gang shoot the driver of the coach and pull it over. They are drunk and on a Christmas Eve gallop to the coast to wreck a ship. They take a terrified Mary with them.

The next two hundred pages, or so, are brilliantly written in a descriptive manner that makes the reader think he/she is there. There are many twists and turns as you progress through this book, but I got lucky and figured out who was really the boss of the gang of ship wreckers. Maybe you will too. This is a must read if you are into reading serious British mystery writers, such as, Daphne Du Maurier. I highly recommend this novel and as a matter of fact recommend all of Du Maurier’s novels.

RATING: 5 out of 5 stars

Comment: Wikipedia says, “wrecking is the practice of taking valuables from a shipwreck, which has foundered close to shore.” But Joss Merlyn’s gang took that practice one step further, “The term is also used to describe the practice of decoying ships onto coasts using tricks (e.g., false lights), so that they run ashore and can be plundered.” In the novel, not only did they plunder the ships, but they also drowned anyone still alive. They rode back to the Jamaica Inn knowing that there were not any witnesses left to alert the law.

Daphne Du Maurier actually got the idea for this novel after a stay at the Jamaica Inn (yes, it really exists). As a matter fact, The Jamaica Inn is still doing a robust business and is known as Cornwall’s Most Famous Smuggling Inn.

Thursday, March 31, 2016


This is a guest review and comments from review contributor Pat Koelmel:

Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a child? I, for one, did not even though there were times in my childhood when I probably could have used one. Maybe even two. In any event, I’d like to think that, if I had dreamed up an imaginary friend way back when, I would have gone big like ten-year-old Jackson in the 2015 middle-grade novel by Katherine Applegate. His is a seven-foot tall black and white cat by the name of Crenshaw.

Crenshaw first appeared in Jackson’s life when he was seven. His dad had just been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and could no longer work in the construction field. At the same, his mother had also lost her job, thus, forcing their family of five (besides Jackson and his parents, there’s little sister Robin and their dog Aretha) to leave their home and live in their minivan. For fourteen weeks, they spent their days at the library or park or wherever and nights sleeping inside their car. They dined on handouts like day-old pumpernickel bagels, and sometimes Jackson’s dad, a former musician, played songs on his guitar and literally sang for their supper on busy street corners.

Of this time, Jackson says this about Crenshaw: “Crenshaw and I didn’t chat much during those weeks on the road. There was always someone around to interrupt us. But that was okay. I knew he was there and that was enough. Sometimes that’s all you really need from a friend.” Completely told from Jackson’s point of view, this story really gets to the heart of what it’s like to be a child and homeless. On being hungry, Jackson offers this advice: “If you run out of cereal and your stomach’s still growling, you can always try chewing a piece of gum to distract yourself.” (By the way, Ms. Applegate did her research. In her acknowledgments, she thanks the students of the Monarch School in San Diego, California, a campus for those affected by homelessness, for sharing their stories.)

Okay, back to the story. Fast forward to three years later. The good news is Jackson (now ten) and his family are still living in the same apartment they had moved into after their three-month-plus stint in their minivan. The bad news is they’re falling on hard times yet again. They can’t afford enough food or make the rent. They might even end up living in their minivan again. But that’s not all. Crenshaw’s back! Only this time around, Jackson’s not so happy about it. Not only does Jackson feel he’s way too old to have an imaginary friend, he’s grown into a boy who deals in facts and logic. And there’s absolutely nothing logical about an imaginary, seven-foot tall cat who drops in when Jackson least expects it.

As you might think, with a character like Crenshaw, this story can at times make you chuckle. For instance: After overhearing his parents argue, Jackson finds Crenshaw in the bathroom taking a bubble bath. He tells the cat that he doesn’t exist. Crenshaw dryly replies: “I beg to differ.” The banter between the two can also be tender and heartfelt. When Jackson orders Crenshaw to leave, Crenshaw replies: “We [imaginary friends] stay as long as we’re needed. And then, and only then, do we leave.”

In addition to the repartee, Ms. Applegate does a fabulous job helping the reader to picture Crenshaw’s rather substantial physique. Crenshaw’s paws are described to be as “big as a lion’s, with fingers the size of baby carrots.” What’s that? Cats don’t have fingers? Well, Crenshaw does. If you recall, he is no “ordinary” cat.

So what have I got to say about this novel? I have two words: precious and rare. Not since I read Kate DiCamillo’s Because of Winn-Dixie fifteen years prior, have I felt this way about a book. By the way, my imaginary friend concurs. (Hey, just because I missed out on having an imaginary friend when I was a child, that doesn’t mean I can’t have one now.) 
RATING: 5 out of 5 stars

Comment: After reading Crenshaw, I couldn’t help but be reminded of two other imaginary characters. First, there’s Harvey, the six-foot, three-and-a-half inch tall rabbit from the 1950 movie of the same name starring James Stewart. Then there’s Puff, the Magic Dragon, the 1963 Peter, Paul, and Mary song. To this day, whenever I hear it play, I can’t help but choke up. By the way, if you’ve never heard the song before, google it and take a listen. If you’re a softie like me, have a tissue at the ready.  

Friday, March 25, 2016


The author sent me a copy of her novel to review:

Norma Hinkens writes a curious story that is seemly but written with rudimentary prose in a somewhat non-descriptive manner... yet somehow the story works. So does that indicate that the author is talented or charmed? I think that the jury is still out and we will have to wait and see if the author improves as she continues her story in the ensuing novels. But her imagination capacity is four by four (if you weren’t in the military, you probably will not know what I mean). So do I have mixed feelings about this novel? Yes. Was it interesting? Reasonably. Was it just another twist of a dystopian novel? You could say that, but it wasn’t totally run-of-the-mill. It took some vision and planning to conjure up what would happen if the earth’s core overheated. And the author has a propensity for cliffhanger chapter endings (a good thing). However, I felt very little compassion for any of the characters (a bad thing), mainly because too much happened in a very short period of time. There was too much action jammed into 250 pages to allow the author to develop the characters and create reader empathy (another hundred pages would have cured that problem). I do see lots of raw talent in her book, but it’s still in the nucleus stage. Maybe it blossoms in Embattlement (book two in her Undergrounders Series).  Anyway, what’s the story about?   

Sometime in the future, the Earth’s core overheats (the survivors now call it the meltdown). “Molten rock pushed miles of asphalt skyhigh forming blacktop mache mountains. Strip malls explode like pinatas, buildings shot hundreds of feet into the air like gigantic stomp rockets.” Wow, nice way to start a novel. “All hell broke loose after a ring of volcanos (I know that it is volcanoes, but I’m quoting the author as she wrote it) around the globe erupted and the sovereign leader issued a thermal radiation warning. That was the last we heard from him.” What’s happening world-wide is not revealed, but our story revolves around the people living in the Sawtooth Mountains (I’m assuming Idaho, but it’s not mentioned in the novel). The novel embraces three groups: The Preppers or Undergrounders, who live in underground bunkers (our protagonists), The Rogues, who are escaped subversives from a maximum security center, and The Sweepers, who are a group of DNA scientist trying to repopulate the earth (really?). These are the essential ingredients that make up this dystopian novel. Once the novel starts, it races down the track at a furious pace (thus my reason for no character empathy...the one exception is the dog,Tucker).

The story starts with Derry(16 years old) and her brother Owen(18 years old) talking outside their group’s bunker. Derry tells Owen how she saw a sweeper suck up Sam (from a different group) into a bullet shaped hovercraft via a telescopic tube. Later, Frank, the bunker chief from Sam’s camp, visits Owen’s group. “Frank thinks one of us had a hand in it.” “The collective hiss of breath around the room sends a shiver down my spine (Derry). For months now, there have been rumors of Sweeper snitches in the camps. It’s ludicrous of course. Why would anyone help the Sweepers?” But Derry thinks...what about the new guy, Mason, who recently joined their group. He said he is a former Marine. Why is he built like the Titan, Atlas? Mason punches Frank in the face for accusing their bunker of colluding with the Sweepers. Frank, bloodied, leaves in a huff. Prat, Derry, Mason and Big Ed head to Frank’s bunker to assure them that they had nothing to do with Sam being snatched. Owen tells Derry that he has to go to a secret Council meeting because…”We’re planning an attack on the Sweeper.”

Derry’s group arrives at Frank’s bunker and find him lying outside...murdered. Most of Frank’s people are gone and the few people left think that Derry’s group murdered Frank. Prat thinks that the Rogues might have been in the area and killed Frank and took Owen prisoner. Do you see how fast this novel moves? Mason confesses that he is a clone and was a prisoner of the Sweepers until he escaped. He says that a Dr. Lyong and a group of scientist have been experimenting in a government cloning project for decades. And when the earth overheated, the Doctor vaccinated everyone in the laboratory because the radiation alarms went off during the meltdown. Unfortunately, the vaccine was contaminated. That’s why the Sweepers are capturing people...they need fresh DNA. Can the Undergrounders convince the lawless Rogues to unite with them and destroy the Sweepers once and for all? Or do the three groups grapple with each other? And what are the Sweepers really doing in their laboratory? And finally, who killed Cock Robin? Just kidding! Anyway, the way Norma Hinkens wrote this novel makes the reader dizzy from time to time. Even though I found fault with this novel (I usually do), I generally liked it. I’m going to recommend this novel on the fact that she tells a good story and will improve her prose and wordage enough for the reader to feel empathy for her characters.

RATING: 4 out of 5 stars

Comment: I have to admit that I’m getting zoned out with dystopian novels. Yet... authors keep sending them to me for review. I think that it’s a genre that will be with us for a few more years and then germinate into a totally new genre. It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just that there are too many novels with similar juxtapositions. I have the same feelings about Zombie novels. Enough is enough. However, I do have a few five star favorites:

Wool by Hugh Howey (see my review of 1/21/2016). It’s a story about people living in a 144 floor underground silo after a unknown post-apocalyptic happening. It’s a terrific novel.

1984 by George Orwell (1950). Goodreads says, “A startling original and haunting novel that creates an imaginary world that is completely convincing, from the first sentence to the last four words.” By the way his Animal Farm (1946) was also outstanding.

Incidentally, the Sparrow killed Cock Robin with his bow and arrow. I don’t believe the author of this 1770 poem is known. (HaHa).